Slightly less cool in here at 19.4 deg, 20.5 deg in the kitchen, 19 deg in the leanto.
1001.5 mBar, in Hg, Torr, psi, (up from 999.5 last night), 73% RH (GDR hair), 72% RH (Lidl electric).
Meanwhile on the 30th of June 2019 it was BR14 who'd been on a drip rather than Diver, who was enjoying a nice tea.
Telex machine glowing nicely.
Entertainment: thing about the Eyerack War on R4 which included Bliar doing his usual lying thing thing. Nominative Determinism lives! Plus the idiot ex head of 6 who still seems to think that Saddam had WMDs hidden away somewhere despite all evidence to the contrary.
Attack Warning: Red: Our Rog gets a mention for "Two suns in the sunset", one of his more uplifting dirges.
Shopping trip to Tesco done dusted washed dried sanitised & put away. 34 out & 34 back. I like it when it works like that.
And a conversation with a chap waiting for the bus about mowing the grass & such important subjects.
Three conversations today. Who'd have thunk?
Lunch: scrambled egg and poached tomato on toasted crust of Morrisons sunflower & pumpkin seed (judging by the colour of the bread, the plastic bag being a matter of chance), a red corner yog, bramble jelly & marmalade on slices of less toasted toast, 0.91*1.55 pints of good Glengettie tea.
Entertainment: Y&Y until it went <click>
Some minor gardening undertaken. How do these brambles grow so quickly?
Entertainment: Trucking Hell S3 E1: the burned out double decker crisp trailer. No Rory.
Tea: lentil & ham soup with bread, the last of the mango slices, a yog, 0.91*1.55 pints of good Glengettie tea.
Entertainment: PM.
Joy of Painting.
Very strong
despite it being Yet Another Seascape.
Joy of Painting.
Managed to wake up for the last 10 minutes. Dunno what the masking tape idea was about.
About 5 minutes of The Retro Electro Workshop bollox.
Treasures of the Indus: Pakistan.
No more NCIS since it ended last week, no more Car SOS since it ended a fortnight ago.
Freecell score: 93%, running average: 85%. Had a streak in the high 40s until that one loss. Ho hum.
Abandoned Engineering: Byron Hot Springs Hotel: PO Box 651, Camp Tracy: interrogation centre for Japanese POWs. Slains Castle Aberdeen, inspiration for Dracula's castle. Vivikonna, Estonia, Soviet town founded by nice old Uncle Joe for the extraction of shale oil. City of Ani in Armenia: site of a piece of the True Cross and a monastery until those nice Turkish followers of the prophet came along & burned & flayed the monks alive. Also part of the Armenian genocide during WWI.

Slightly less cool in here at 19.4 deg, 20.5 deg in the kitchen, 19 deg in the leanto.
1001.5 mBar, in Hg, Torr, psi, (up from 999.5 last night), 73% RH (GDR hair), 72% RH (Lidl electric).
Meanwhile on the 30th of June 2019 it was BR14 who'd been on a drip rather than Diver, who was enjoying a nice tea.
Telex machine glowing nicely.
Entertainment: thing about the Eyerack War on R4 which included Bliar doing his usual lying thing thing. Nominative Determinism lives! Plus the idiot ex head of 6 who still seems to think that Saddam had WMDs hidden away somewhere despite all evidence to the contrary.
Attack Warning: Red: Our Rog gets a mention for "Two suns in the sunset", one of his more uplifting dirges.
Shopping trip to Tesco done dusted washed dried sanitised & put away. 34 out & 34 back. I like it when it works like that.
And a conversation with a chap waiting for the bus about mowing the grass & such important subjects.
Three conversations today. Who'd have thunk?
Lunch: scrambled egg and poached tomato on toasted crust of Morrisons sunflower & pumpkin seed (judging by the colour of the bread, the plastic bag being a matter of chance), a red corner yog, bramble jelly & marmalade on slices of less toasted toast, 0.91*1.55 pints of good Glengettie tea.
Entertainment: Y&Y until it went <click>
Some minor gardening undertaken. How do these brambles grow so quickly?
Entertainment: Trucking Hell S3 E1: the burned out double decker crisp trailer. No Rory.
Tea: lentil & ham soup with bread, the last of the mango slices, a yog, 0.91*1.55 pints of good Glengettie tea.
Entertainment: PM.
Joy of Painting.

Joy of Painting.

About 5 minutes of The Retro Electro Workshop bollox.
Treasures of the Indus: Pakistan.
No more NCIS since it ended last week, no more Car SOS since it ended a fortnight ago.
Freecell score: 93%, running average: 85%. Had a streak in the high 40s until that one loss. Ho hum.
Abandoned Engineering: Byron Hot Springs Hotel: PO Box 651, Camp Tracy: interrogation centre for Japanese POWs. Slains Castle Aberdeen, inspiration for Dracula's castle. Vivikonna, Estonia, Soviet town founded by nice old Uncle Joe for the extraction of shale oil. City of Ani in Armenia: site of a piece of the True Cross and a monastery until those nice Turkish followers of the prophet came along & burned & flayed the monks alive. Also part of the Armenian genocide during WWI.