I recently started at a new client on a project (a consultancy and an end client), and I've received some odd requests from the consultancy that are causing me a little bit of concern as I haven't encountered them before anywhere I've been:
1. They want me to update my LinkedIn profile to say I am working for them along with a provided advertising blurb (this request doesn't bother me too much as I'll find a way to make it clear I'm contracting with them and this the blurb is how they describe their business). They've chased me about it a number of times over just a few days (so I know they're serious).
2. They want me to change my email signature to look like one of their employee's (Name - 'Job title' - TheirCo etc).
3. They don't want me to tell the end client that I'm a contractor at any point (!)
4. We (everyone on the project) are all in the same hotel. They booked it, MyCo paid for it, and they will reimburse (expenses are covered in the contract).
5. They've also asked me to fill in some additional end client forms that are very employee-employer (So much so that I've sent them off for IR35 advice).
The contract itself is squarely outside of IR35 (I had it checked before we got started) and the other things about this are OK (including rate, hours etc) so it's probably (?) no big deal but some of these requests are feeling a little weird as I've not had clients pushing things like this before.
1. They want me to update my LinkedIn profile to say I am working for them along with a provided advertising blurb (this request doesn't bother me too much as I'll find a way to make it clear I'm contracting with them and this the blurb is how they describe their business). They've chased me about it a number of times over just a few days (so I know they're serious).
2. They want me to change my email signature to look like one of their employee's (Name - 'Job title' - TheirCo etc).
3. They don't want me to tell the end client that I'm a contractor at any point (!)
4. We (everyone on the project) are all in the same hotel. They booked it, MyCo paid for it, and they will reimburse (expenses are covered in the contract).
5. They've also asked me to fill in some additional end client forms that are very employee-employer (So much so that I've sent them off for IR35 advice).
The contract itself is squarely outside of IR35 (I had it checked before we got started) and the other things about this are OK (including rate, hours etc) so it's probably (?) no big deal but some of these requests are feeling a little weird as I've not had clients pushing things like this before.