In an unusual position here. Got offer a contract subject to checks. There are a lot of checks and the process is going to take around 2 weeks. No recruitment agent involved, it was a direct recruitment with the company.
I accepted the offer but have since been approached by an agent about a contract at a company I've always wanted to work for. I've explained the situation to the recruitment agent and he is fine with putting me forward. It's a one stage interview so I'd know next week if I got it.
Legally am I allowed to change my mind and refuse the contract I've been offered? If I do it before they finish the screening process? They are a powerful and wealthy company, might they sue me?
I feel really bad about considering this. I've never done it before and been contracting for 8 years. Hate wasting people's time. But I feel like I would always regret it if I didn't try for my favourite company.
I accepted the offer but have since been approached by an agent about a contract at a company I've always wanted to work for. I've explained the situation to the recruitment agent and he is fine with putting me forward. It's a one stage interview so I'd know next week if I got it.
Legally am I allowed to change my mind and refuse the contract I've been offered? If I do it before they finish the screening process? They are a powerful and wealthy company, might they sue me?
I feel really bad about considering this. I've never done it before and been contracting for 8 years. Hate wasting people's time. But I feel like I would always regret it if I didn't try for my favourite company.