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State of the Market

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    Really need the banks to start investing in IT again. From what I have seen over the years, IT contracting never kicks off until the banks start investing again. Although it does seem like this year will be like the last 18mths.

    Need the next IT boom to come along, something like an IPhone or .Net Boom. Something. At this rate, the next pay packet for me will be the state pension, hopefully outside


      Originally posted by SchumiStars View Post
      Really need the banks to start investing in IT again. From what I have seen over the years, IT contracting never kicks off until the banks start investing again. Although it does seem like this year will be like the last 18mths.

      Need the next IT boom to come along, something like an IPhone or .Net Boom. Something. At this rate, the next pay packet for me will be the state pension, hopefully outside
      High Street banks are now mainly India - I suspect the investment banks are the same.
      merely at clientco for the entertainment


        Alternatively we could all be hoping for something which will never come at all.

        Now, I'm ever the optimist . But never seen it this bad before and there are absolutely no signs of any recovery. I just can't see how or when anything will improve.

        I hope i am wrong.
        We have had international elections, the war in ME etc, etc. Those of us, earlier in the thread we're suggesting that once we started the new year, new tax years....all that is just as I predicted, nonsense.
        There will be no recovery until the offices get filled up. The rents get paid, the shops, pubs and eatery's are busy again.

        We can't have it both ways, can't get paid large for working from home.
        Last edited by SchumiStars; 21 January 2025, 21:22.


          Originally posted by SchumiStars View Post
          Need the next IT boom to come along, something like an IPhone or .Net Boom. Something. At this rate, the next pay packet for me will be the state pension, hopefully outside
          Some new tech trend. Something really high tech. That only those that have put asside the time to become experts have the skill set for. Something that commands a premium in the market. Something too big for large companies to ignore or they fall behind the competition. Something that will shape tech for the next decade or longer.

          AI, my friend. The answer is right in front of you.


            Originally posted by SchumiStars View Post
            There will be no recovery until the offices get filled up. The rents get paid, the shops, pubs and eatery's are busy again.

            We can't have it both ways, can't get paid large for working from home.
            Sorry, but the old days of everyone turning up at an office five days a week and going home eight or nine hours later have gone and they aren't coming back.

            Our problem isn't working from home, our problem is the work isn't there or it is been given to consultancies and/or sent abroad, not helped by nervousness to start anything major in case AI makes it out of date in 1-2 years (note I don't agree with that last one, but it might very well be a perception amongst some decision makers).


              Originally posted by willendure View Post

              Hang in there. I was in the same situation for most of last year, and hoped to keep going for at least another 6 months. Would have stuck with it but got terminated start of Nov.
              Currently in a FTC which I'm hating. Would usually just walk but it's probably the first time when I'm not sure if I could get anything other than the tulip 45k jobs being touted by the usual agents.


                Originally posted by coolhandluke View Post
                Currently in a FTC which I'm hating. Would usually just walk but it's probably the first time when I'm not sure if I could get anything other than the tulip 45k jobs being touted by the usual agents.
                Yes, I would say give it another 6 to 9 months if you can. Either we get the "soft landing" by some weird fluke and the market starts to recover, or we find ourselves in a severe recession. Personally I think there has to be a crash before the recovery as so many financial indicators are at historical extremes right now.


                  Originally posted by willendure View Post

                  Some new tech trend. Something really high tech. That only those that have put asside the time to become experts have the skill set for. Something that commands a premium in the market. Something too big for large companies to ignore or they fall behind the competition. Something that will shape tech for the next decade or longer.

                  AI, my friend. The answer is right in front of you.
                  If AI was that exiciting we would have seen something by now. Unfortunately, as I thought, it was a very fast fad, which as come and gone.

                  AI, crypto are fads which major investment has not got behind. If they had done, early, we would not be in this hole.

                  ​​​​​​The banking sector is key. If they get behind something then everyone else will. Until then, there will be no investment into IT and contracting will be pushed into another supply and demand by consultancies.

                  IR35, Brexit, COVID, large migration, WFH, No investment. At some point, the market will die, which is what we have at the moment.

                  I would love to be wrong. I would also love to work from home on a big rate but can accept that this will also need to change.

                  Gosh I miss going to the office.


                    Had a perm role sent from an agent basically it is 5 days in the office and after your 6 months probation you may be allowed a day from home...doesn't sound like a great place to work based on that diktat...

                    I can't do a 5 day commute into London

                    Agent said it is a deal breaker for most as no one wants that any longer 5 days in an office.


                      Originally posted by SchumiStars View Post
                      [...]AI, crypto are fads which major investment has not got behind. If they had done, early, we would not be in this hole.[...]
                      AI has got literally hundreds of billions of dollars of investments and this is across the world.

