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Previously on "test please delete"


  • NickFitz
    Tonight's viewing was the unmotorway police. I'll be running out of that shortly

    And then I finished reading The Forever War. Good book

    I need to go shopping tomorrow morning, though I haven't yet decided which Sainsbury's to go to

    Goodnight all

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  • xoggoth
    Came out on 30 January, though it's still called the March issue - number 34
    Last one I got is 342. Was no Viz on shelf last week either. No Viz! May give up on Sainsburies.

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  • DoctorStrangelove
    Originally posted by WTFH View Post

    The Wife has decided it is not the lurgy, but that I have developed “hay fever” for the first time in my life, her first guess is hazel pollen.
    Welcome to the club.

    Hazel and Alder in my case. Haven't had a sniffle so far this year though.

    The catkins aren't at their most fiendish yet.

    Or I'm now too old & fecked up to notice anymore.

    Long long ago it was confined to May & June & July, oh how I miss those years.

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  • WTFH
    Originally posted by WTFH View Post
    I think I'm getting a dose of the lurgy.
    The Wife has decided it is not the lurgy, but that I have developed “hay fever” for the first time in my life, her first guess is hazel pollen.

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  • NickFitz
    Originally posted by xoggoth View Post
    Grrrr, not sure if I moaned about it last week but shop took ages as Sainsburies have moved things around again. No Viz either, is it due yet Fizzy Knickers?
    Came out on 30 January, though it's still called the March issue - number 343

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  • NickFitz
    Tea: penne bol, just for a change from spaghetti

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  • WTFH
    I think I'm getting a dose of the lurgy.

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  • xoggoth
    Grrrr, not sure if I moaned about it last week but shop took ages as Sainsburies have moved things around again. No Viz either, is it due yet Fizzy Knickers?

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  • NickFitz
    Another week done!

    It's a long haul from New Year to Easter this year. But it's my birthday just afterwards so I'll be taking that week off, giving me a ten day break

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  • ladymuck

    Afternoon all, Paris calling, local time 1742

    It's been a dull and overcast day. Currently 6 degrees ('feels like' 4) and that's the high. Barometer at 1020 mBar.

    Sunrise 08:02; Sunset 18:08.

    Yesterday afternoon, Charles De Gaulle airport was more painful to exit from than it was to transfer. A long walk, then a train, then another long walk. Multiple changes of level. Then queung for a passport stamp. Definitely an airport designed by a committee of bureaucrats.

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  • NickFitz
    Turkey soup and a bit of wholemeal for lunch

    That was the last of the turkey soup. Not sure if I'll get around to making any more until after Christmas, but it was very nice so I might

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  • DoctorStrangelove
    ^^^ Om.






    Chilly in here at 10.9 deg, 10 in the kitchen, 7.5 in the leanto, 5.6 in the saltinghouse.

    1019 mBar, 30.09 in Hg, 764.3 Torr, 14.779 psi, (up from 1017 last night), 59% RH (Lidl electric).

    Meanwhile on the 27th of December 2019 stuff was going on, HWMBO was recovering, WTFH was installing a camera, the match in Leicester was 4-0 apparently so someone won.

    Poor night's sleep: wakened again at 05:somthing by dreaming of some company or other I was working for going tits up, so I eventually succumbed to reading a bit more about Skylab & then returned to the land of nod.

    Curiously FB has decided I have no memories for today, however the endless crap it has fed for the last weeks has stopped.

    Now I'll have to find something else to do with my time now hiding & blocking stuff has stopped.

    Cottons in the WM. Cottons out of the WM and pegged out on the line. WM has brought up the "Hygiene" announcement: it wants a 60 deg wash of something to clean its pipes out. I may get around to it sometime.

    Shopping trip to Morrisons done dusted washed dried sanitised & put away. Strewth it was chilly out there. Very lazy wind.

    Lunch: brunch: a bit early in an attempt to warm up after the trek down town & back, back being colder than down due to the direction of the wind.

    Entertainment: some thing or other on R4 about an African American potter chap. It went <click> when the tosspot looking for a rich wife came on after it.

    Sliced Bread: plant food. Gosh.

    TWATO: went <click> when the Russian fascist came on, should have gone <click> for the interminable bollox about the chancellor's cv ffs. Mountains out of molehills.

    Walk (unabbreviated) walked in the grey gloom: cold enough too despite another layer.

    Cottons in off the line & in the TD. Oh. That's what that symbol means. .

    Cottons out of the TD & airing upstairs.

    Entertainment: "Broken Arrows" on PBS. You can't beat a lost nuke and there's been so many.

    Tea: beans on toast with the last of the Hovis wholegrain crap and the first of the Hovis multigrain crap. Nice enough. Jeez that thick slice wholegrain is hard to get down, the other stuff is much easier. There wasn't any of the Morrisons bread that I like so feck nose where that's gone, there wasn't any last weekend either.

    Entertainment: PM relating all the Orange Moron related crap with added chancellor CV related crap to make it even more fecking crap than usual. Plus the Afghan asylum seeker cum lunatic who drove into all those people in Munich. It's almost as if it was a terribly bad idea to bring them in in the first place. Who'd have thunk? Never mind, I'm sure he'll enjoy the next 10 years of his existence in a German prison.

    The Directors on Sky Arts. Sergio Leone. My mule don't like you laughing.

    There's a thing about David Lynch on BBC4 this evening followed by "Blue Velvet".

    I think I saw that in one or other of the cinemas in Swansea, possibly The Studio* which seemed to specialise in odd films, including some or other of the light "porn" that was available back in the day, unexciting as that might have been.

    *A cinema that managed to show "The Deer Hunter" with a couple of the reels transposed which did make it a bit harder to follow, all in all: one minute you're in the hospital then back before you got there. .
    Last edited by DoctorStrangelove; Yesterday, 22:28.

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  • WTFH
    Morning all
    Overcast and allegedly 3C out, but by 20mins in to our walk it felt a lot warmer.
    The Wife decided that she'd not take any pain killers before going to bed last night. That was not a good idea.

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  • NickFitz
    Morning denizens

    Another grey day out, though it seems a bit less gloomy and damp. Still only 1°C and expecting to reach 4°. The barometers are back up a bit at 1012/1020mB

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  • NickFitz
    Read some more of The Forever War, in which our protagonists have returned to Earth and been discharged from the military after what was subjectively two years for them, though relativistic effects mean many more years have passed here while they were away and things are very different…

    Thursday tomorrow!

    Goodnight all

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