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Previously on "test please delete"


  • DoctorStrangelove






    Chilly in here at 10.9 deg, 10 deg in the kitchen, 8 deg in the leanto.

    1016 mBar, 30 in Hg, 762 Torr, 14.735 psi, (unchanged), 58% RH (Lidl electric).

    Meanwhile on the 27th of December 2019 Brillo had stopped posting for a minute so LM shared that HWMBO was feeling better enough to subscribe to a turkey sandwich & some wine, whereas the discussion of "dust bunnies" progressed to the mention of "dust mice", being of some sort of Germanic origin back in the day, somewhat more Grimm-like and thusly more to NF's taste than the alternative Disneyesque "bunnies".
    Last edited by DoctorStrangelove; Today, 09:10.

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  • WTFH
    Morning all
    Overcast but dry out, a pleasant walk was had. Shame it's Monday, but a short week for me as I'm off to the homeland to see dad on Wednesday.

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  • NickFitz
    Morning denizens

    Somewhat sunny start with patchy and hazy cloud. The relatively clear sky comes at the usual cost though: it's frosty. Currently 0°C ("feels like" -3°) with an expected high of 4°; the barometers are up a touch at 1011/1019mB

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  • NickFitz
    Lots of Monkey Life this morning, as usual

    Later, I didn't do much though I found time to muck around with GameplayKit a bit

    Tea was Wales's finest tonkotsu ramen

    There's a new 24 Hours in A&E! Still at QMC in Nottingham

    And finally, I read a bit more of Inventing the Renaissance, which included a digression about Norse settlements in Greenland to illustrate how historians come up with explanations for things that turn out to be totally wrong, then repeat the cycle, and finally come up with something that's probably right but which they wouldn't have worked out at all without doing the wrong stuff first

    Monday again tomorrow

    Goodnight all

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  • ladymuck

    Afternoon all, London calling

    This morning it was sunny with lumps of fluff but has since clouded over a bit. Currently 5 degrees ('feels like' 2) and that's the high for the day. Barometer at 1020 mBar.

    Sunrise 07:13; Sunset 17:19

    The trip home yesterday was uneventful. Charles De Gaulle was a breeze! Hardly any queues, minimal faff, and everything ran on time. Meeting friends for dinner this evening.

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  • NotAllThere
    Just about to start the roast pork. Whole family (10 of us) coming around. The grandkids are meat hoovers, so along with a 1.7kg pork roast, I'm doing four chicken shoulders. 2kg of roast potatoes, boiled broccoli and courgettes. Afters is baked apples with raisins and cinnamon. First time I've found cooking apples available in any of the local supermarkets - these are from Lidl in France.

    Temperature 4 °C
    Wind speed 3 km/h from NNE
    Wind gusts 8 km/h
    Humidity 63%
    Pressure 978 hPa

    Sky is relatively clear. Two degrees of frost expected overnight.

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  • NickFitz
    Lunch: a sausage and bacon cob (white)

    It was going to just be sausages but I discovered the bacon pack had broken, probably when it was being crammed into the shopping bag or the fridge, so I took this as a sign that I should have a couple of rashers, then stuck the rest in the freezer

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  • DoctorStrangelove





    Chilly in here at 11.8 deg, 10.5 in the kitchen, 8 in the leanto.

    1015 mBar, 29.97 in Hg, 761.3 Torr, 14.72 psi, (up from 1012 last night), 60% RH (Lidl electric).

    Meanwhile on the 27th of December 2019 Brillo was posting a lot, whilst NF had a towel wash (deep colours) on.

    Walk (unabbreviated) walked in the wan sunshine. Much more pleasant out there today than it has been recently.

    Lunch: brunch. Entertainment: my tinnitus.

    Freecell score: 96%, running average: 81%.

    Tea: soup etc. Nice enough.

    Entertainment: the poetry bollox on R4.

    "The Rise & Fall of the Rust Belt" on PBS. No wonder MAGA is so popular there.

    "Ice Age Apocalypse" on 5+1.

    Dead Vikings thing on Blaze. . Verged on the oak island nutjobbery.
    Last edited by DoctorStrangelove; Today, 09:07.

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  • NickFitz
    Morning denizens

    Grey and a bit damp and drizzly from time to time out. Currently 2° but supposedly "feels like" -4°, and the barometers are up a touch to 1009/1017mB

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  • NickFitz
    Lots of Monkey Life as usual today, and then more wildlife stuff, including a thing following the macaques of Singapore. Some of them probably appeared as background extras in the series about the otters

    This evening, I made a start on Inventing the Renaissance: Myths of a Golden Age in which historian Ada Palmer sets out to explain why you can't really believe the things historians tell you about the Renaissance, because people don't actually live their lives in Ages and times that are described as the height of civilisation now were often regarded as really crappy by those living through them. She's been teasing the book with a bunch of interesting and amusing Bluesky threads over the past month or two and it was published on Thursday, so this one's hot off the press

    More Monkey Life in the morning, so an early night for me

    Goodnight all

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  • NickFitz
    Tea was brought to me from Popeyes. Very nice again

    They missed one item from the order though. It was only a small side thing I was getting as an experiment, so the lack of it is annoying rather than disastrous. Deliveroo have refunded me, but what the dish tastes like will remain a mystery for now

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  • NickFitz
    Just found out that the health centre's flooded again, just as the renovations after the flood a year ago were nearing completion

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  • NickFitz
    Sausage bap (white) for lunch

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  • NickFitz
    Morning denizens

    Grey damp day out, with rain expected on and off until teatime. Currently 3°C and soon to be 4° though it "feels like" -1° due to the light breeze, with the barometers down to 1007/1015mB

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  • DoctorStrangelove





    Chilly in here at 11.8 deg, 10 deg in the kitchen, 8 deg in the leanto.

    1015 mBar, 29.973 in Hg, 761.31 Torr, 14.72 psi, (untapped), 59% RH (Lidl electric).

    Meanwhile on the 27th of December 2019 Brillo posted a lot in search of a PALI. .

    Lunch: brunch.

    Entertainment: FOOC. Bit of Money Box.

    Walk (unabbreviated) walked in the grey gloom. It didn't rain on me.

    Freecell score: 90%, running average: 81%.

    Tea: beans on toast etc.

    Entertainment: 18 o'clock news.

    Thing on BBC Alba "Beloved Wilderness (1970)" about the Highland & Islands Development Board: it's just mentioned the British Aluminium smelter at Invergordon that lasted a whole 10 years. Guess who was in power when it shut.

    Thing on BBC4 about "The banks of the Bann" Ulster in Focus. His hovercraft was full of eels.

    Queen: rags to richesrhapsody.

    Engineering Mistakes Already watched it.
    Last edited by DoctorStrangelove; 15 February 2025, 22:30.

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