Dry damp with a hint of drizzle.
Wanly sunny.
Chilly in here at 11.2 deg, 10 deg in the kitchen, 8 deg in the leanto.
1022 mBar, 30.185 in Hg, 766.7 Torr, 14.826 psi, (down from 1026 last night), 61% RH (Lidl electric).
Meanwhile on the 26th of December 2019 LM & HWMBO visited her parents & was surprised with the entire family turned up, with HWMBO feeling under the weather on the way back, NF noted that his local association football team was playing in Leicester with a distinct lack of interest, and I had chilli con carne for tea & finished of "The Dresden Files" & moved on to "Tinker Tailor" for amusement.
Gosh. The mention of breaded haddock brought back in a flash a memory of my very late Gran frying fish on a frying pan over the open fire in the kitchen next door.

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