Chilly in here at 16.5 deg, 16 deg in the kitchen, 14.5 deg in the leanto.
1015.5 mBar, 29.987 in Hg, 761.687 Torr, 14.728 psi, (down from 1017 last night), 66% RH (Lidl electric).
Meanwhile on the 25th of November it was grey & raining & NF remarked on the bus windows being steamed up by the soggy hoi polloi within, covbob popped in for a visit having gone to the dark side in the NHS but with possibilities of a change for the better with an interview he'd forgotten applying for, whereas the Oak Island nutjobbery were busy finding wood, this being all they ever find, plus a 1963 dime which gave some return on the investment.
No walk: endless rain.
Freecell score: 96%, running average: 79%.
Lunch: there was brunch.
Due to the endless rain I fixed an old Dansette RT111 transistor radio that I've owned since I was 6. Turned out the problem was some 2nd hand resistor I'd grafted in about 40 years ago. I left the 'orrible Hunts and Plessey electrolytic capacitors alone.
Firkled about with the bedroom radio: we shall see if the crackle is cured.
Tea: chicken in white sauce etc. Made a change, haven't had that for a while.
Entertainment: whatever was on R4 at 18:30ish.
Simon Schama waffling on about The Sea. It was tedious.
Oak Island nutjobbery: the cut coin turns out to be "Roman". What did the Romans ever do for Oak Island? The metal detecting moron finds an iron pin in the swamp. So once again, we ain't found tulip.
. Twas ever thus.
Planes that changed the world: Douglas DC3.
Chilly in here at 16.5 deg, 16 deg in the kitchen, 14.5 deg in the leanto.
1015.5 mBar, 29.987 in Hg, 761.687 Torr, 14.728 psi, (down from 1017 last night), 66% RH (Lidl electric).
Meanwhile on the 25th of November it was grey & raining & NF remarked on the bus windows being steamed up by the soggy hoi polloi within, covbob popped in for a visit having gone to the dark side in the NHS but with possibilities of a change for the better with an interview he'd forgotten applying for, whereas the Oak Island nutjobbery were busy finding wood, this being all they ever find, plus a 1963 dime which gave some return on the investment.

No walk: endless rain.
Freecell score: 96%, running average: 79%.
Lunch: there was brunch.
Due to the endless rain I fixed an old Dansette RT111 transistor radio that I've owned since I was 6. Turned out the problem was some 2nd hand resistor I'd grafted in about 40 years ago. I left the 'orrible Hunts and Plessey electrolytic capacitors alone.
Firkled about with the bedroom radio: we shall see if the crackle is cured.
Tea: chicken in white sauce etc. Made a change, haven't had that for a while.
Entertainment: whatever was on R4 at 18:30ish.
Simon Schama waffling on about The Sea. It was tedious.
Oak Island nutjobbery: the cut coin turns out to be "Roman". What did the Romans ever do for Oak Island? The metal detecting moron finds an iron pin in the swamp. So once again, we ain't found tulip.

Planes that changed the world: Douglas DC3.