Tea has been a roast Big Chicken dinner 
Accompanied by Trucking Hell
It's been a very frustrating week. It now seems clear that the likelihood of the project being binned is around the 99% mark, but nobody will say anything officially until various things have been through various processes. So we have to carry on getting things ready for Go Live whilst pretending not to know that any steps towards that goal are almost certainly a complete waste of time and effort, which is annoying to say the least
Luckily, we've been held up for much of the week waiting for another team to sort some technical infrastructure out. I strongly suspect that the head of that team knows perfectly well what's going to happen, and has told the chap who's supposed to be doing the work not to bother unless pestered for it by us, "us" in this case meaning me. So I've left him alone because once he gets that done, my stuff is ready to go and I'll have to start inconveniencing other teams by getting them to do work which they'll have to undo a few days later

Accompanied by Trucking Hell

It's been a very frustrating week. It now seems clear that the likelihood of the project being binned is around the 99% mark, but nobody will say anything officially until various things have been through various processes. So we have to carry on getting things ready for Go Live whilst pretending not to know that any steps towards that goal are almost certainly a complete waste of time and effort, which is annoying to say the least

Luckily, we've been held up for much of the week waiting for another team to sort some technical infrastructure out. I strongly suspect that the head of that team knows perfectly well what's going to happen, and has told the chap who's supposed to be doing the work not to bother unless pestered for it by us, "us" in this case meaning me. So I've left him alone because once he gets that done, my stuff is ready to go and I'll have to start inconveniencing other teams by getting them to do work which they'll have to undo a few days later
