Originally posted by wim121
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I said most women aren't drunken slappers, or violent towards their partners, in the same way that most men aren't violent towards their partners either. Your suggestion that the only rationale for a man being violent towards his partner is that she instigated the violence is hugely offensive to any woman who has been a victim of domestic abuse. Where is your evidence that "In the majority of DV cases, it is the woman that initiates the violence" and I'm not asking you for your usual anecdotal evidence, but a proper, respected source.
None of this is suggesting that domestic violence against men doesn't exist, and is probably a lot more common than is reported, but that is a separate issue to the one being discussed here, in which you seek to suggest there may be some excuse for what this man did.
I realise that I've been 'sucked in' again. I will take a break from this forum, because, to be honest, I cannot avoid getting upset by your posts. Troll or for real, I think you are a nasty bit of work.