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Cost of living

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    Originally posted by BlueSharp View Post

    There is a difference of approach here. Europe have cut energy rates and subsidized, the UK have offered hand outs. The UK approach is more targeted to those who need it the most and also encourages reduction in consumption.

    Germany is basically forcing people to use less, and has already said rationing is likely.
    The point on a mindset of pressuring people to use less is interesting with the Ukraine/Russia situation meaning we might have genuine shortages in winter.
    I need to make sure I get all my firewood dried properly...
    Originally posted by MaryPoppins
    I'd still not breastfeed a nazi
    Originally posted by vetran
    Urine is quite nourishing


      Originally posted by vetran View Post

      not shocked it seems the government are not governing.
      They are governing, but not for our benefit.


        Originally posted by vetran View Post

        not shocked it seems the government are not governing.
        An 'Energy Security' chart would be more intresting.
        I doubt very much Germany would be coming out on top of that one.

        France is largely powered by EDF which is mostly government owned, but is also in terrible debt. The French government is actually trying to complete the nationalisation of them. The point is that EDF will do whatever the goverment tells them to.


          Originally posted by CheeseSlice View Post

          An 'Energy Security' chart would be more intresting.
          I doubt very much Germany would be coming out on top of that one.

          France is largely powered by EDF which is mostly government owned, but is also in terrible debt. The French government is actually trying to complete the nationalisation of them. The point is that EDF will do whatever the goverment tells them to.
          Mmm that's why they are sueing the French government.
          Last edited by SueEllen; 14 August 2022, 14:22.
          "You’re just a bad memory who doesn’t know when to go away" JR


            Originally posted by vetran View Post

            thanks for actually giving a tulip. far too much I'm all right jack on here
            I have a certain amount of empathy for those struggling, but many have a poor education and too many kids ... both choices that they made. I came from a very poor background, council estate no money (no holidays as a kid, black and white tv that we only watched if we fed it coins) - I made a life chose to get educated and not breed and to break away from that life.

            So yes, I am pleased that I'm relatively OK and I'm certainly not going to feel guilty about that - we all make our choices in life, our choices have consequences, and we have to all live with those consequences.

            I am what I drink, and I'm a bitter man


              Originally posted by Whorty View Post

              I have a certain amount of empathy for those struggling, but many have a poor education and too many kids ... both choices that they made. I came from a very poor background, council estate no money (no holidays as a kid, black and white tv that we only watched if we fed it coins) - I made a life chose to get educated and not breed and to break away from that life.

              So yes, I am pleased that I'm relatively OK and I'm certainly not going to feel guilty about that - we all make our choices in life, our choices have consequences, and we have to all live with those consequences.
              the quality of mercy is not strained


              and this is the big payoff

              It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
              Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.


                Originally posted by vetran View Post

                the quality of mercy is not strained


                and this is the big payoff
                Feel free to explain where mercy comes into it? I'm not forcing people to pop out kids they can't afford. And I'm not forcing anyone to not concentrate at school. And I'm personally not penalising them either.

                You're sounding a bit woke for me mate ... are you sure you're a Wail reader?
                Last edited by Whorty; 14 August 2022, 14:40.
                I am what I drink, and I'm a bitter man


                  Originally posted by Whorty View Post

                  I have a certain amount of empathy for those struggling, but many have a poor education and too many kids ... both choices that they made. I came from a very poor background, council estate no money (no holidays as a kid, black and white tv that we only watched if we fed it coins) - I made a life chose to get educated and not breed and to break away from that life.

                  So yes, I am pleased that I'm relatively OK and I'm certainly not going to feel guilty about that - we all make our choices in life, our choices have consequences, and we have to all live with those consequences.
                  So no empathy for the kids who are in the situation you were in?

                  Incidentally some schools are so poor there never was and isn't a chance of being educated in them even if you pay attention.
                  "You’re just a bad memory who doesn’t know when to go away" JR


                    that whorty blowhard has a glass navel so he can see where he's going, his head's so far up his own arse


                      Originally posted by sadkingbilly View Post
                      that whorty blowhard has a glass navel so he can see where he's going, his head's so far up his own arse
                      Aww, diddums, did the nasty stranger on the internet trigger you?

                      You're starting to sound like BR14 .... just saying.
                      I am what I drink, and I'm a bitter man

