If you’ve ever wanted to get a really good look at Uranus, you just missed it. That’s because the planet (seventh from the sun, get your mind out of the gutter) reached its peak brightness for the year on November 4. The gassy and unique alien world reached the closest point to Earth in its orbit and hit what is called ‘opposition’. This means, from the vantage point of Earth, it will be directly opposite the sun and reflecting the most light possible.
If you’ve ever wanted to get a really good look at Uranus, you just missed it. That’s because the planet (seventh from the sun, get your mind out of the gutter) reached its peak brightness for the year on November 4. The gassy and unique alien world reached the closest point to Earth in its orbit and hit what is called ‘opposition’. This means, from the vantage point of Earth, it will be directly opposite the sun and reflecting the most light possible.