It is amusing though when you get the latest emails from the IT Job Board and one role has the words in its description:
In other words either
a ) This job doesnt exist and I am blatantly fishing for leads or
b ) This job does exist and I am still blatantly fishing for leads - if you dont give me a lead I wont put you forward.
The words "bargepole, stick" came to my mind as I dump the mail in the wastebin. Oh and it was an agency that comes up on here very often (<coughs>regressive<coughs>), who I wont touch with a stick or bargepole anyhow.
Candidates with evidence of their successes in development, in terms of testimonials or references, will be considered ahead of others
a ) This job doesnt exist and I am blatantly fishing for leads or
b ) This job does exist and I am still blatantly fishing for leads - if you dont give me a lead I wont put you forward.
The words "bargepole, stick" came to my mind as I dump the mail in the wastebin. Oh and it was an agency that comes up on here very often (<coughs>regressive<coughs>), who I wont touch with a stick or bargepole anyhow.