Originally posted by Cirrus
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If you worked for Accenture then your sick pay and holiday pay attract PAYE and NIC. If your IR35 is 10% higher than a permie's salary then you could use that 10% to fund 10% holiday pay roughly speaking.
It gets more complicated when you factor in tax years. So if you worked as a permie you could have no sick pay for 2 years and then have two years' worth. It would only be taxed as normal pay whereas as a contractor the 'fund' you built up in the first year would have been taxed potentially at higher rate as you'd not used it. So there is a slight hit for contractors but it's nothing like your "It's against God's Will and the Laws of Physics" to provide benefits out of taxed day rate.
You have to stop expecting the State to solve all your problems. You have to stand on your own two feet.
Why am I able to go and do the same job for a consultancy and they get relief on my expenses, but I can't do exactly the same work through my own company?
I don't think you really understand IR35 and it's effects to be honest. Are you even a Ltd Co contractor, or are you just dense?
Edit: P.S. You also didn't answer my second post.
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