Originally posted by avonleigh
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They take their 6/7 figure salaries, plus bonuses, say "sorry, it seem to be time for some one else to step in" and depart leaving pile of s*te behind. And it will be their end-client's (and this is often public sector entity) problem to sort - usually by spending more money with another vendor.
Answering to your previous question, what immigration, Thames Water and workers rights has to do with each other - all those issues have same source. And this is ukplc conduct, placing short-term, small group benefits above welfare of their workers as well general public interests, health and safety. And to do that, they use every available method including lobbying necessary policies through weak government.
Despite same end-result, the problem we have is not: "Immigrants (legal by the way, guys coming on rafts unlikely to take anyone's job) taking UK programmers jobs", it is "companies increasing their profits by giving UK programmer jobs jobs to immigrants they bring in". While there is little difference in outcome for UK programmers, correct statement of the problem is critical to finding a solution.
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