Just got a Y! Instant Messenger ping from one of my erstwhile colleagues at GCap:
13:58:48 erstwhile_colleague: can you think of a way in which I can get this column styled design working without multiple lists?? 13:58:58 erstwhile_colleague: fail 13:59:13 erstwhile_colleague: you can't see the file I was going to send as it's on the internal network!
14:27:16 NickFitz: I'm just starting to read "Building Scalable Web Sites" 14:27:27 NickFitz: I think there's a copy on the bookshelf there 14:28:10 erstwhile_colleague: yes there is 14:28:15 erstwhile_colleague: how do you know..... 14:29:15 NickFitz: I used to work there /:) 14:29:31 erstwhile_colleague: where?!?! 14:29:36 erstwhile_colleague: my office? 14:29:45 NickFitz: Near the bookshelf :D 14:30:11 NickFitz: You are aware who you're talking to, aren't you?