Lunch: a bacon butty 
Still gloomy and breezy out. Soon, I shall venture forth on sundry missions. First, I need to pop up to the bank branch where I paid off the mortgage to pay in a tax refund cheque, as HMRC print them in a format that isn't supported by either of my banks' phone apps. Then to Big Sainsbury's. And from there, rather than the usual route home, I go the opposite way round the ring road to get to the parcel depot. It's very near Glenfield Hospital, so at least I know the way back from there

Still gloomy and breezy out. Soon, I shall venture forth on sundry missions. First, I need to pop up to the bank branch where I paid off the mortgage to pay in a tax refund cheque, as HMRC print them in a format that isn't supported by either of my banks' phone apps. Then to Big Sainsbury's. And from there, rather than the usual route home, I go the opposite way round the ring road to get to the parcel depot. It's very near Glenfield Hospital, so at least I know the way back from there
