Morning denizens
Gloomy, grey, rainy start out
Back to not-so-warm too: currently 4°C but not getting any better than 6°. The barometers are back down a little at 998/1006mB. And the rain is expected to continue for another couple of hours with the gloom persisting after that, though it may clear up late in the afternoon - though this will just cause a cold night, dipping below freezing again
Gloomy, grey, rainy start out
Back to not-so-warm too: currently 4°C but not getting any better than 6°. The barometers are back down a little at 998/1006mB. And the rain is expected to continue for another couple of hours with the gloom persisting after that, though it may clear up late in the afternoon - though this will just cause a cold night, dipping below freezing again