Morning denizens
Grey day out, and probably turning rainy soon. Currently a mere 6°C, and not expected to get higher than 8°; the barometers are down some more at 986/994mB
My laptop seemed reluctant to wake from sleep this morning, which I think is because it was pretty cold: the bedroom, I just realised, got down to 13° overnight. I believe 10° is the official low end of its operating range, but it's possible the bedroom was colder earlier. I think I'll have to give in and start closing the window at night, no matter how much I like the fresh air
Grey day out, and probably turning rainy soon. Currently a mere 6°C, and not expected to get higher than 8°; the barometers are down some more at 986/994mB
My laptop seemed reluctant to wake from sleep this morning, which I think is because it was pretty cold: the bedroom, I just realised, got down to 13° overnight. I believe 10° is the official low end of its operating range, but it's possible the bedroom was colder earlier. I think I'll have to give in and start closing the window at night, no matter how much I like the fresh air