Morning denizens
Last night's telly was Traffic Cops, a fact which I failed to record in my unseemly haste to get to sleep
Another sunny start out, currently 12°C and heading for 22° by teatime; barometers back up slightly at 1016/1023mB
The rain starts some time tomorrow, it seems, and is then forecast to keep happening for a week or more. But they probably aren't thinking in terms of continuous light drizzle, more likely showers or storms
Last night's telly was Traffic Cops, a fact which I failed to record in my unseemly haste to get to sleep
Another sunny start out, currently 12°C and heading for 22° by teatime; barometers back up slightly at 1016/1023mB
The rain starts some time tomorrow, it seems, and is then forecast to keep happening for a week or more. But they probably aren't thinking in terms of continuous light drizzle, more likely showers or storms