Morning denizens
Fairly cloudy out today, though with some sun getting through from time to time. Currently 9°C, and not going to get any better than 12°; but the barometers are remaining fairly high at 1020/1028mB
The Zoom call has just been done, and to my horror I've discovered that there's no Monkey Life on today, so the rest of Sunday stretches out before me like a barren wasteland
Might have a fry-up. I could either experiment with the air fryer, or order takeaway from the supposedly very good café down by the railway bridge which I've been meaning to try for a number of years now yet somehow never have
Fairly cloudy out today, though with some sun getting through from time to time. Currently 9°C, and not going to get any better than 12°; but the barometers are remaining fairly high at 1020/1028mB
The Zoom call has just been done, and to my horror I've discovered that there's no Monkey Life on today, so the rest of Sunday stretches out before me like a barren wasteland
Might have a fry-up. I could either experiment with the air fryer, or order takeaway from the supposedly very good café down by the railway bridge which I've been meaning to try for a number of years now yet somehow never have