So, I've spent today trying to work out a rough calculation of what I could potentially owe. I've formatted two routes which actually bottom out to the same figure (which I am leaning on it being the figure I will need to pay if found 'guilty'.
Option 01 – Apply NI and PAYE tax on the combined salary/dividends figure and treat it as a salary so deductions will be at the going rate (depending on which year) and then deducted the DT I've already paid which gives me a total of £35K
Option 02 – Apply NI and PAYE tax on the company turnover then deducted the CP and DT I have already paid, which totals out to £36K
What do you guys think of the above from a crude working-out POV? Does that sound about right? I am anticipating that Reg 80 will not take into consideration of CT and DT, hence the appeal will be done naturally when the letters drop.
In addition, I have a partner who is a shareholder/director and also receives a salary and dividend payout, but the letter I received (letting me know to expect a Reg 80) was directed to me personally, so not sure if this also applies to the other director too? I am pretty certain it will, but their name isn't on the 'letter' so not sure how that will transpire.
Option 01 – Apply NI and PAYE tax on the combined salary/dividends figure and treat it as a salary so deductions will be at the going rate (depending on which year) and then deducted the DT I've already paid which gives me a total of £35K
Option 02 – Apply NI and PAYE tax on the company turnover then deducted the CP and DT I have already paid, which totals out to £36K
What do you guys think of the above from a crude working-out POV? Does that sound about right? I am anticipating that Reg 80 will not take into consideration of CT and DT, hence the appeal will be done naturally when the letters drop.
In addition, I have a partner who is a shareholder/director and also receives a salary and dividend payout, but the letter I received (letting me know to expect a Reg 80) was directed to me personally, so not sure if this also applies to the other director too? I am pretty certain it will, but their name isn't on the 'letter' so not sure how that will transpire.