Originally posted by webberg
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See my post earlier
I think they are taking liberties trying to scare a few win a few easy bucks.
Been on here a good few years and I am in a similar situation. I spent my 30 mins with GW and it was well worth it. No resolution but situation explained. What I did then is understand is my options. I'm still considering my options and how i get out of this mess. I think I have another couple of months.
As I have said in earlier posts this has morphed into the biggest thread and panic is by some is setting set in (apart from a few like Wazza) I think some calm needs to be applied as I have not seen anyone call anyone a liar and you/we are all in the same boat. Trust me value the opinion of an expert. Doesn't mean its final but its free and very good avice. Before anyone spits their dummy think about reply. Its impartial expert advice. Its not always what you want to hear but its decent advice/response to your question.