Immigrants cost Britain £3,000 a day each, says report - Telegraph
Damning verdict on that University College of London report. Who would have thought a bunch of leftie academics who like immigration could have got it so wrong?
Never mind. Keep paying your taxes. Keep voting for the same people. You know it'll all work out for the best.......
Immigrants have cost the taxpayer more than £22 million a day since the mid-1990s, totting up a bill of more than £140 billion, according to a new report.
MigrationWatch UK, which campaigns against mass immigration, added that in 2011 the costs were equivalent to £3,000 a day for each of the eight million foreign-born people living in Britain
MigrationWatch UK, which campaigns against mass immigration, added that in 2011 the costs were equivalent to £3,000 a day for each of the eight million foreign-born people living in Britain
Never mind. Keep paying your taxes. Keep voting for the same people. You know it'll all work out for the best.......