Marijuana May Stop The Spread Of HIV, Study Finds
Article is about cannabis preventing the spread of aids. Not in the sense of entire communities of Africans being too stoned to ****, but once you've got it, it slows down it's progress.
But concludes with a bit about cancer research - might be worth digging out the sources
"Last year, an oncologist from the United Kingdom found that marijuana compounds can kill cancer cells in leukemia patients, and scientists at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco have conducted research that suggests those compounds can also effectively combat other forms of aggressive cancer."
No harm in giving it a try!
Article is about cannabis preventing the spread of aids. Not in the sense of entire communities of Africans being too stoned to ****, but once you've got it, it slows down it's progress.
But concludes with a bit about cancer research - might be worth digging out the sources
"Last year, an oncologist from the United Kingdom found that marijuana compounds can kill cancer cells in leukemia patients, and scientists at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco have conducted research that suggests those compounds can also effectively combat other forms of aggressive cancer."
No harm in giving it a try!