Originally posted by MarillionFan
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He doesn’t go in the class anymore sitting in a library with a 121. Not been to an assembly in a year and only just been allowed to have a playtime (we’d been picking him up just before). Can’t do clubs, can’t do lunchtimes, can’t do supermarkets, lost most of his friends now.
His draft EHCP has come through. 20 hours one to one in mainstream. So now rejecting that. School says he will need to leave as he now isn’t getting the curriculum.
With that draft I have now spent the last week having to visit special needs and behavioural schools. Some are like prisons, some like a one star motel Scooter would have stayed in, some religious, some normal looking.Quirky kids, slow kids, ADHD kids, kids wearing ear defenders, kids shouting, kids being restrained, loud kids, rude kids, special kids.
The school we went to today is good, up until eleven. A lot of schools will keep them until 18, but this was for juniors and seemed the best fit. They can deal with kids flipping out.
I asked how many kids went into mainstream when they leave this school. They said 4 in four years. 4! ******* four. I have to admit I cried.
So a special school next. I know where this will eventually go. I hate this thread.