Hello everybody
My name is Kay Davenport, i am an artist and i am looking to ask your guys if there is any way that you could help me with a new project that i will be starting shortly.
I am looking for any used or unused nails or bolts that you may over on your worksites. I require sizes from 4" up to 9" it does not matter if they are bent or mishapen as they will end up this way anyway.
i am unsure as to how you would normaly dispose of your used nails on site, but if i can not drive to your location i could send a courier if there were enough to collect.
I am genuine in my plea to you, and this can be verified if you would like to visit my website to confirm you are more than welcome to do so. it is:
Resin artist contemporary resin art
If you are unable to help me at this time but may have any suggestions as to helping me find other sources i would be very pleased to here from you.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this posting and i hope to here frome some of you shortly.
Kind regards
My name is Kay Davenport, i am an artist and i am looking to ask your guys if there is any way that you could help me with a new project that i will be starting shortly.
I am looking for any used or unused nails or bolts that you may over on your worksites. I require sizes from 4" up to 9" it does not matter if they are bent or mishapen as they will end up this way anyway.
i am unsure as to how you would normaly dispose of your used nails on site, but if i can not drive to your location i could send a courier if there were enough to collect.
I am genuine in my plea to you, and this can be verified if you would like to visit my website to confirm you are more than welcome to do so. it is:
Resin artist contemporary resin art
If you are unable to help me at this time but may have any suggestions as to helping me find other sources i would be very pleased to here from you.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this posting and i hope to here frome some of you shortly.
Kind regards