Hmm. The nanny filter got cleverer. It's learned a new word.
Got a letter from the letting agency today about the new property we're renting. It's an "Energy Performance Certificate" comprising six pages of stuff. One is about how poor the insulation and energy efficiency is. Th rest is things that we, as tenants, can do the improve the landlord's property. It goes all the way up to installing photo-voltaic panels. I'll start saving up for them, straight away.
Got a letter from the letting agency today about the new property we're renting. It's an "Energy Performance Certificate" comprising six pages of stuff. One is about how poor the insulation and energy efficiency is. Th rest is things that we, as tenants, can do the improve the landlord's property. It goes all the way up to installing photo-voltaic panels. I'll start saving up for them, straight away.