Colour perception test
my threshold is 163 so Turquoise appears blue to me. This stuff is fascinating to me.
my threshold is 163 so Turquoise appears blue to me. This stuff is fascinating to me.
People have different names for the colors they see. Language can affect how we memorize and name colors. This is a color naming test designed to measure your personal blue-green boundary.
Test validity
This website is for entertainment purposes only.
Color perception is tricky to measure–vision scientists use specialized calibrated equipment to color perception. Graphic designers use physical color cards, such as those made by Pantone, so that they can communicate colors unambiguously. Here we use your monitor or phone to test how you categorize colors, which is far from perfect, since your calibration may differ from mine.
Test validity
This website is for entertainment purposes only.
Color perception is tricky to measure–vision scientists use specialized calibrated equipment to color perception. Graphic designers use physical color cards, such as those made by Pantone, so that they can communicate colors unambiguously. Here we use your monitor or phone to test how you categorize colors, which is far from perfect, since your calibration may differ from mine.