Originally posted by vetran
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The solution is to stop these stupid wars. Allow poorer countries to catch up and prosper. To share global wealth. But there is too much protectionism - you B***t voters are all for protecting what we have and not let others be like us. I'm the opposite - open up boarders. Share knowledge, share wealth. Until we start to do that then we will continue to have economic migration, as humans have done for centuries, and who blames them. In their shoes I would too.
A short term solution to remove the need to risk lives and fill the pockets of smugglers is as I said above ... go to these war torn desperate countries (not the phillipines as you try to deflect to in your weak argument) and offer the work that we have shortages in and fly them here safely and legally.
Oooh, but can't do that as your lot would be in uproar.