Originally posted by WTFH the tax evoiders friend
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I said that is what you want to do. I didn't lie I just see you & others proposing importing labour to undercut the locals. This is what has been happening for decades and the resulting stagnation of wages and the pressure on housing & services have deprived the population of the lifestyle they deserve. If you doubt this is the case look at Gate Gourmet or truck drivers.
The change of the UK's ethnicity in 50 years is pretty startling, in only 10 years its changed by millions. We haven't managed that we have too few houses for the population before a three fold increase in immigration since 1990.
https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulat...rewherearewego ing/2020-03-27
I don't want anyone homeless or starving however it does seem that we are failing our ex forces by not housing them because they are single & childless (that is how the rules work) giving a preference to someone who arrives with kids. VA hospitals & housing would not be a bad idea then maybe fewer of our service personnel would kill themselves or end up as addicts
We need to build more houses, reduce population growth until we can service it.
I am a fan of social housing however once in it they subsidise for your life and your children's lives , a council house can be as valuable as a lottery win. Then we sell them off so there are none for the homeless. How do you fix that? You have no tax money anymore.
Globalisation has dropped company taxes 1970 = 4-4.5%, now 1% of GDP. Automation will drop personal taxes.
If you want to subsidise large multinationals so they can pay below subsistence wages go ahead. With Automation they will be able to do that in 10 years anyway so why not get in ahead and make them pay decent wages so automation via government assistance (so we get to tax it) is attractive.
This line seems pretty straight
oddly it is steeper when those nasty Tories are in! Maybe labour forgot about the minimum wage?
I'm talking about Hospitality, Airports & Airlines as they have reaped the whirlwind of them abusing staff, fire & rehire stops being effective when staff can vote with their feet. You keep feeling sorry for those nice rich multinationals and keep allowing them to screw workers while paying little tax I will continue to suggest there is another way!
If you are worried about the Trumphole countries many of these economic migrants come from it makes sense for us to trade with them and drag them out of despotism. If their most adventurous citizens are coming over here they are hardly going to improve are they?
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