Does the US have a problem with topless women? - BBC News
Well, I had something of an experience about this in the Livingwell gym I use near to work (Even by Hilton standards this is something of a dump). Lady in the sauna is only wearing a towel. She uses her hands to brush her long hair which is a challenge given her hair is sitting length and the sauna makes a phone box look large. Well, with her hands busy there was something of a towel malfunction. Today there is a small bloke with moustache mearing only a towel in the same sauna jumping up and down on the spot then coughing his guts up which prompted me to leave a lot more rapidly. I am next to a train station – I am wondering if this was Gricer and his partner?
Well, I had something of an experience about this in the Livingwell gym I use near to work (Even by Hilton standards this is something of a dump). Lady in the sauna is only wearing a towel. She uses her hands to brush her long hair which is a challenge given her hair is sitting length and the sauna makes a phone box look large. Well, with her hands busy there was something of a towel malfunction. Today there is a small bloke with moustache mearing only a towel in the same sauna jumping up and down on the spot then coughing his guts up which prompted me to leave a lot more rapidly. I am next to a train station – I am wondering if this was Gricer and his partner?