And its effect on one's teeth.
I've just come back from the dentist, and I need to have four fillings and a molar tooth out
She says I need to ditch the Pepsi Max, of which I down around 5 cans a day, because although they are sugar free, the acid in them is eroding my teeth and causing decay.
The problem is I have tried to cut down in the past, but I feel I am addicted to them. So I need a plan, and I have the following thoughts, which I thought I'd share with you lot in case you had any sarcastic comments
1. Addiction is probably caused by the caffeine, of which there is 42.6mg in each can. I plan to purchase some Pro Plus caffeine tablets initially (each one contains 50mg) to take instead of the drink, so that I can stop drinking the coke immediately without getting caffeine withdrawal.
2. Other psychological "highs" from it include the sweetener, cold, and carbonation - I could try replicating this with cold mineral water, a soda stream, and some sweetener.
3. The PH of diet coke is around 3. Could I add Sodium bicarbonate to neutralise this back to 7, and would this stop it rotting my teeth, and could I do this without making it taste disgusting? Can I buy a ph meter to determine this?
4. Apparently the artificial sweetener Xylitol is alkali. Could I add this to pepsi max to neutralise its acids (mainly phosphoric acid) without destroying its taste.
5. You can get dental fissure sealants to cover the cracks in the teeth to prevent them from eroding. But can you also get a kind of dental paint that can be painted on top of the rest of the surface of the teeth to protect them? Or can you fire microscopic fragments of zinc into the surface to protect them in the same way that galvanization protects steel from erosion?
At school someone put tippex onto their teeth to make them look good, but apparently this was not a good idea...
I've just come back from the dentist, and I need to have four fillings and a molar tooth out
She says I need to ditch the Pepsi Max, of which I down around 5 cans a day, because although they are sugar free, the acid in them is eroding my teeth and causing decay.
The problem is I have tried to cut down in the past, but I feel I am addicted to them. So I need a plan, and I have the following thoughts, which I thought I'd share with you lot in case you had any sarcastic comments
1. Addiction is probably caused by the caffeine, of which there is 42.6mg in each can. I plan to purchase some Pro Plus caffeine tablets initially (each one contains 50mg) to take instead of the drink, so that I can stop drinking the coke immediately without getting caffeine withdrawal.
2. Other psychological "highs" from it include the sweetener, cold, and carbonation - I could try replicating this with cold mineral water, a soda stream, and some sweetener.
3. The PH of diet coke is around 3. Could I add Sodium bicarbonate to neutralise this back to 7, and would this stop it rotting my teeth, and could I do this without making it taste disgusting? Can I buy a ph meter to determine this?
4. Apparently the artificial sweetener Xylitol is alkali. Could I add this to pepsi max to neutralise its acids (mainly phosphoric acid) without destroying its taste.
5. You can get dental fissure sealants to cover the cracks in the teeth to prevent them from eroding. But can you also get a kind of dental paint that can be painted on top of the rest of the surface of the teeth to protect them? Or can you fire microscopic fragments of zinc into the surface to protect them in the same way that galvanization protects steel from erosion?
At school someone put tippex onto their teeth to make them look good, but apparently this was not a good idea...