I'm only about 5 chapters in and I've already lost track of all the characters. Does it just take a long time to introduce all the characters before the action begins?
It also seems to be completely nonsensical.
I feel like I'm failing becuase it's such an iconic book - I had exactly the same problem with 100 Years of Solitude. These Booker/Pullitzer winner type books maybe full of beautiful prose but they don't half seem short of a decent yarn.
Perhaps I should stick to Mills & Boon.
It also seems to be completely nonsensical.
I feel like I'm failing becuase it's such an iconic book - I had exactly the same problem with 100 Years of Solitude. These Booker/Pullitzer winner type books maybe full of beautiful prose but they don't half seem short of a decent yarn.
Perhaps I should stick to Mills & Boon.