Originally posted by Willapp
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The more aerobic exercise you do the more efficient your body becomes and as a result it will stop being stressed when you push it.
Adding muscle on the other hand WILL increase your metabolic rate however to get to the sort of increase you need to burn your fat arse off is beyond a few sessions in a gym per week and the last time I was putting enough effort in to improve my metabolism was serious gym time with Personal training and a whole raft of supplements. None of which help reduce fat or weight. It will however build muscles.
But -
What ever you think you know about you body now will eventually change when it turns on you and either learns how to store energy despite what you are doing to it or reduces the amount of energy you need. either one will end with the wonderful middle age spread.
Originally posted by Willapp
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It would be great if it was as easy as filling a petrol tank up at the start of the day but it's not and that's where the danger in processed foods and carbs start.
In a few decades time science will look back on this age and say Christ I'm amazed anyone survived to breed. Foods have been pumped up in calories and tastes to get us wanting more while we need less than ever to survive. You wouldn't cure and alcohol dependant person by saying just drink half the pint in front of you. Yet that's how we treat people with what is frankly food addiction problems.