Recession in 2021 caused by continued job losses from the fallout of global 'lockdown' should mean house prices coming down. You need a recession for house price deflation and you need job losses for a recession, so that's still the key metric but there are others...
Even the property 'gurus' and pros also seem to be forming a consensus of house price deflation next year with a perfect storm caused by:-
* landlord tax changes biting harder than in 2020 and increasing beyond 2021 (if you BTL now, seems like SPV company is the way to go).... more BTL's on the market
* Rishi's SD holiday coming to an end
* Coronavirus lockdown continuing.... more airbnb's on the market
* lenders tightening their criteria (which means they see prices coming down too)
* Fear based on hard brexit
If you buy now, leave a 25% - 30% discounted offer on the table and see if you get any takers.
Even the property 'gurus' and pros also seem to be forming a consensus of house price deflation next year with a perfect storm caused by:-
* landlord tax changes biting harder than in 2020 and increasing beyond 2021 (if you BTL now, seems like SPV company is the way to go).... more BTL's on the market
* Rishi's SD holiday coming to an end
* Coronavirus lockdown continuing.... more airbnb's on the market
* lenders tightening their criteria (which means they see prices coming down too)
* Fear based on hard brexit
If you buy now, leave a 25% - 30% discounted offer on the table and see if you get any takers.