These are things which have affected people I know.
And before anyone says holiday homes are only for rich people, that's simply not true on most of the Spanish Costas and in parts of rural France.
And before anyone says holiday homes are only for rich people, that's simply not true on most of the Spanish Costas and in parts of rural France.
- If you want to move to Spain, France etc (eg. when you retire), you have to jump through many more hoops. If you're on a low income, it may not even be possible because of minimum income requirements for obtaining residency.
- If you buy a holiday home, you can only spend 90 days there. No more staying for 6 months over the winter.
- Buying stuff from EU companies is harder. Many firms simply can't be bothered exporting to the UK anymore. And those, that still do, often charge more. And it's liable to get worse in future.