Originally posted by OnYourBikeGB
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"Even if quite unintended, the majority are moving in the line of administrative absolutism which is a phase of rising absolutism throughout the world. Ideas of the disappearance of the law, of a society in which there will be no law, or only one law, namely that there are no laws but only administrative orders; doctrines that there are no such things as rights and that laws are only threats of exercise of state force, rules and principles being nothing but superstition and pious wish. A teaching of separation that separation of powers is an outmoded 18th century fashion of thought, that the common law doctrine of the supremacy of the law has been outgrown, and expounding of public law which is to be a subordinating law, subordinating the interests of the individual to those of the public official and allowing the latter to identify one side of a controversy with the public interest and so give it greater value and ignore others; and finally a theory that law is whatever is done officially and so whatever is done officially is law and beyond criticism by lawyers - such is the setting in which the proposals of the majority must be seen."
I think we are beyond any outcome other than that outlined above in a general sense as well as a specific one in our case.