Think I have found an interesting chink in the armour of this mess...
I was doing some work yesterday and one of the documents that fell out of it was this one:
This document covers the agency worker regulations the interesting part is the section Who does not fall within the scope of the regulations?
Basically it states that the if the hiring manager rather than the managed service provider directs staff it will bring those acting "as a business on their own account" into scope. So by my reckoning if any department is foolish enough to make the blanket statement I control and supervise all my contractors on site then every one that has worked there since the start of the Agency Workers Regulations were introduced will have the right to go and ask for their holiday back pay and money to cover any other benefit that was available to permanent staff...
As usual I don't think that UKHO have thought this through...
I was doing some work yesterday and one of the documents that fell out of it was this one:
This document covers the agency worker regulations the interesting part is the section Who does not fall within the scope of the regulations?
Basically it states that the if the hiring manager rather than the managed service provider directs staff it will bring those acting "as a business on their own account" into scope. So by my reckoning if any department is foolish enough to make the blanket statement I control and supervise all my contractors on site then every one that has worked there since the start of the Agency Workers Regulations were introduced will have the right to go and ask for their holiday back pay and money to cover any other benefit that was available to permanent staff...
As usual I don't think that UKHO have thought this through...