I have been using Simon Jarvis's free captcha software for years and have just discovered it is not working in IE10. Thanks AGAIN Microsoft!
The details of the PHP script are here but in a nutshell:
1 $code=random collection of letters
2 show $code as messy image
3 $_SESSION['security_code'] = $code
There is a valid value in $code and the messy image is fine but $_SESSION['security_code'] is null in my mail form using IE10. It's what I expect in other browsers and they work fine.
Anyone else had PHP session problems in IE10? Cheers.
The details of the PHP script are here but in a nutshell:
1 $code=random collection of letters
2 show $code as messy image
3 $_SESSION['security_code'] = $code
There is a valid value in $code and the messy image is fine but $_SESSION['security_code'] is null in my mail form using IE10. It's what I expect in other browsers and they work fine.
Anyone else had PHP session problems in IE10? Cheers.