So, in the past couple of weeks I've started recieving spam emails that start with different type of hearts pictures and some text around starting a conversation. Here is one of the subjects - 💖💚Hi there, Thought it might be nice to talk to someone new today.
Probably four or five a day. It also kicks of a Norton Virus warning due to a PDF attachement giving me a PDF:ScamX-gen Trj popup from Norton. File is quarantined and most mails go to spam.
The only annoying thing is having to click off the massive quarantine popup from Norton. I can't put a rule on as the hearts are different ones and the text is subtly different everytime. Only about 2 in 30 are dublicates. Problem is though even if I got a rule up to move to deleted the mail still hits my account and Norton would popup even if the rule then deleted the mail yes? It doesn't delete it before it's delivered right? Is there anything I can do beyond a mail rule. I've spent an evening diligently reporting them all to norton and marking as Spam in the hope someone will start catching them before delivery or something.
The other option is to turn off Norton checking email I guess. I don't open daft files so don't think thats an issue.
Any other thoughts to make these less of an annoyance or is it another case of welcome to the internet world and wait till it sorts itself out?
Probably four or five a day. It also kicks of a Norton Virus warning due to a PDF attachement giving me a PDF:ScamX-gen Trj popup from Norton. File is quarantined and most mails go to spam.
The only annoying thing is having to click off the massive quarantine popup from Norton. I can't put a rule on as the hearts are different ones and the text is subtly different everytime. Only about 2 in 30 are dublicates. Problem is though even if I got a rule up to move to deleted the mail still hits my account and Norton would popup even if the rule then deleted the mail yes? It doesn't delete it before it's delivered right? Is there anything I can do beyond a mail rule. I've spent an evening diligently reporting them all to norton and marking as Spam in the hope someone will start catching them before delivery or something.
The other option is to turn off Norton checking email I guess. I don't open daft files so don't think thats an issue.
Any other thoughts to make these less of an annoyance or is it another case of welcome to the internet world and wait till it sorts itself out?