George: "I joined up straight away - 10th August 1914. What a day that was. Myself and the fellows leap-frogging down to the Cambridge recruiting office, then playing tiddly-winks in the queue."
Not particularly funny but it beautifully captured the innocence and naievity of all those men who rushed to fight for King and country not knowing what they were letting themselves in for. Beautifully delivered by Hugh Laurie in Blackadder Goes Forth the final episode, probably the finest "comedy" half hour ever
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Previously on "The blackadder quotes thread"
Vanished. Like an old oak table.
What on Earth was I drinking last night? My head feels like there's a Frenchman living in it.
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My favourite one liner was Blackadder to Queenie
BA " Life without you Ma am would be like a broken pencil"
<Queenie Frowns>
BA " Totally pointless"
Ive used it to many a young maiden since
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From Money; (all Blackadder quotes)
Needs must when the devil vomits into your kettle.
This place stinks like a pair of armoured trousers after the Hundred Years War
The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd.
All common phrases used in the daily grid at work
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Light relief? And this thread was doing so well.
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BA The Second
Blackadder (rolling eyes and mimicking the doctor in time with what he is saying) : Just pop a couple down my codpiece <referring to the extraordinary new treatment involving leaches>
Doctor : Oh you've heard of it?
BA : You're just an old quack aren't you?
Doc : I'd rather be a quack than a duckie, good day.
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Originally posted by stek View PostWho was it that was buried in a Y-shaped coffin? Jane Rossington? This is from memory, some people here seem to be posting from online scripts...
I can remember the whole of the 80's in great detail, but nowadays cant remember if I need the toilet until.....too late
I was expecting people to quote from memory, anything else is just plain cheating.
Top work.
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Who was it that was buried in a Y-shaped coffin? Jane Rossington? This is from memory, some people here seem to be posting from online scripts...
I can remember the whole of the 80's in great detail, but nowadays cant remember if I need the toilet until.....too late
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Originally posted by rz6bm7 View PostFather: Your mother is alive and well and living in Droitwich.
Percy: I even touched her once.
Blackadder: Touched her what?
Percy: Once. Touched her once.
Blackadder: Well if you live through this, she might let you get your hands on her twice.
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Percy: After literally an hour's ceaseless searching, I have succeeded in creating gold, pure gold.
Blackadder: Are you sure?
Percy: Yes, my lord. Behold.
Blackadder: Percy... it's green.
Percy: That's right, my lord.
Blackadder: Yes, Percy, I don't want to be pedantic or anything, but the colour of gold is gold. That's why it's called gold. What you have discovered, if it has a name, is "green".
Percy: Oh, Edmund, can it be true, that I hold here in my mortal hand a nugget of purest green?
Blackadder: Indeed you do, Percy, except, of course, it's not really a nugget, it's more of a splat.
Percy: Well, yes, a splat today... but tomorrow - who knows, or dares to dream?
Blackadder: So we three alone in all the world can produce the finest green at will?
Percy: Just so. [leans in] Not sure about counting in Baldrick, actually.
Blackadder: Of course, you know what your great discovery means, don't you?
Percy: Perhaps, my Lord!
Blackadder: That you, Percy, Lord Percy, are an utter berk.
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Originally posted by cojak View PostSeen it.
Pinched it.
Spent it.
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