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Previously on "test please delete"


  • NickFitz
    Another week survived!

    Quite a nice sunset here

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  • xoggoth
    Bluddy roadworks! Went out for me walky and road was closed so followed diversion and ended up near Gatwick airport. Had to duck every time a plane went over in case it bonked me head. Plus side, passed a pub I remember going to on a work do about 40 years ago.

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  • WTFH
    Originally posted by NickFitz View Post
    Tea has been lamb steaks with chips and beans
    Just noticed you got a Mod Pali!

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  • NickFitz
    Lunch has been the rest of the big pork pie

    The fog has dispersed, the frost has defrosted, the sky is Simpsonesque, and the gardener is mowing the lawn with a brief pause now and then to weed the flowerbed in the middle thereof

    Not sure why he doesn't get the mowing and weeding done separately. Maybe he just feels like chopping and changing; and why not?

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  • DoctorStrangelove



    Blue sky.


    Chilly in here at 11.1 deg, 10 deg in the kitchen, 5 deg in the leanto, 3.3 deg in the salting house.

    1039 mBar, in Hg, Torr, psi, (up from a tad under 1039 last night), 60% RH (Lidl electric).

    Meanwhile on the 25th of December 2019 Bah! Humbug! and something I wish had stayed there but now it's on earworms as well.

    Walk (unabbreviated) walked in the bright sunshine. Glorious day.

    Lunch: brunch.

    Entertainment: Evan Davies waffling away about D&I in the kitchen.

    Sliced Bread: boiling water taps. I'll stick with the kettle: oh look! the kettle is more efficient. Who'd have thunk? And the water in the kettle is likely to be rather fresher than that which has been kept at boiling point for who knows how long. Another magick gadget crossed off my list.

    Shirts in the WM. Shirts out of the WM & pegged out on the line.

    Cottons in the WM. Cottons out of the WM & pegged out on the line.

    Cue the rain, hail & snow from a blue sky.

    Shirts nearly dry, and they haven't been out there long.

    The ft tester is progressing, which is better than it not progressing. The physically smaller variable capacitor has a threaded boss: naturally enough said threads are not the same pitch as the threaded boss on a variable resistor, of which I have many. May have to get "creative".
    Last edited by DoctorStrangelove; Today, 16:00.

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  • WTFH
    Morning all
    Frosty overnight - it was only 1C when we went out earlier, but a lovely crisp morning with a great sunrise as we headed back home.

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  • NickFitz
    Morning denizens

    Foggy! A touch of frost as well but the main feature of the new morning is fairly thick fog, at least by the standards of this locale. Currently 0°C (no "feels like") with a performance target of 7° this afternoon, and expected to be sunny - though the weather app thinks it's sunny now, so who can tell? The barometers have soared to 1033/1041mB

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  • NickFitz
    On the box tonight, some more of the motorwayless motorway cops

    And later, Musk's offer for Twitter has been accepted by the board in Character Limit. It's in this part of the book that we start to see how very, very stupid he is. For example, he carried out no due diligence even though the board of Twitter tried to get him to do so, because he'd decided he wanted the deal signed straight away. So it was only after the deal was signed that the board were legally allowed to show him the latest financials, which revealed that the company was in a much worse state than was publicly known at that time. Literally all he had to do was sign an NDA, take an extra day to read the figures, and he could have just walked away. The man's an idiot

    Thursday tomorrow! This week has been quite busy, so it's gone quickly. But one more day of it will be plenty

    Goodnight all

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  • WTFH

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  • NickFitz
    Tea has been lamb steaks with chips and beans

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  • ladymuck

    Morning all, local time 0630

    Cloudy start to the day but should clear up as the day progresses. Slight chance of some rain. Currently 22 degrees with a high of 26 expected. Barometer up to 1013 mBar.

    Sunrise 06:22; Sunset 19:56

    Yesterday saw a trip to Taronga Zoo while HWMBO did some work. Knackered afterwards. The humidity is what drains you.

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  • NickFitz
    Early finish again! It's only ten minutes, but I'll take it

    It feels exceedingly light out at finishing time now

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  • NickFitz
    Lunch: a pancetta omelette

    Been a while since I've had one of those

    It's clouded over here now. Still relatively mild though, unlike the very windy afternoon yesterday

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  • xoggoth
    Chatty morning with lady came round to borrow my laminator for history group posters. Sunnyish so need to think of a walky place after lunch.

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  • DoctorStrangelove


    Damply dry.


    Blue sky in parts.

    Chilly in here at 12.1 deg, 11 in the kitchen, 8.5 in the leanto.

    1033 mBar, 30.5 in Hg, 774.8 Torr, 14.98 psi (untapped), 62% RH (Lidl electric).

    Meanwhile on the 25th of December 2019 Bah! Humbug!.

    Walk (unabbreviated) walked in the wan sunshine/grey gloom.

    The hedge cutter was cutting hedges again but not on the road I used.

    Lunch: brunch.

    Entertainment: Y&Y waffling on about sommat. TWATO <click>.

    Some septic nutjob shooting at steel plates at a 1000 yds with a 5.56 (yes, really), a .338 Lapua, and a 50 cal. Followed by another septic nutjob relating why you don't want a .338 Lapua: mostly coz it's $6/round, and expensive even if you reload the brass: a dollar a bullet. .

    More potching on the ft tester: wound two more coils: who knew a x100 probe across the tuned circuit would load it enough to stop it oscillating? Well me, now. .

    Tea: chilli con carne (tinned) with rice (microwave), nice enough.

    Entertainment: PM until Tice turned up whereupon it went <click> with a vengeance.

    "Maigret is afraid" with the late Bruno Cremer. Curiously I wasn't word perfect on this one: must have missed bits of it on previous viewing.

    Last edited by DoctorStrangelove; Yesterday, 23:30.

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