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Previously on "test please delete"


  • NickFitz
    Tea has been a thick-cut ribeye steak with chips, fried onions, and beans

    I haven't been going for the thick-cut ones so much recently as they're a lot to handle, but this one had such excellent marbling that I couldn't pass it by

    And this morning I unmade the bed and left it to air, so this evening I've had to remake it, which has now been achieved

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  • NickFitz
    Find places local to you that stock Viz: https://services.marketforce.co.uk/s...spx?pubcode=40

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  • NickFitz
    Originally posted by xoggoth View Post

    Last one I got is 342. Was no Viz on shelf last week either. No Viz! May give up on Sainsburies.
    Check they haven't moved it. My one rearranged the magazine racks last year and it took me a couple of minutes to work out where they'd put Viz. IIRC it was close to the New Statesman

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  • NickFitz
    A-shopping I did go and despite the dire prognostications of the weather app, it felt perfectly OK out

    The car also started first time without any difficulty despite not having been used for two weeks, so I think it's safe to say that the new battery is doing its job

    I went to Big Sainsbury's, largely because I set off in that direction out of habit and only remembered that I'd thought of going to the nearer one when I was halfway there

    I think I managed to get everything I wanted except sardines in tomato sauce, which I forgot because I didn't go down the relevant aisle

    And so home, with lunch from the hot food counter of a couple of garlic & herb chicken thighs

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  • xoggoth
    Nice sunny morning doing my volunteery litter pick thing. Much nicer than it sounds, green areas round town. Loony lady 1 this afternoon. Same old place! Wish I could get her to be a bit more adventurous.

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  • WTFH
    Morning all

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  • NickFitz
    Morning denizens

    Chilly start out with a not very warm day to follow, having just crept up from 0°C to 1° ("feels like" -4°) with an expected high of 4°. The barometers are trivially up at 1013/1021mB

    Despite that, the cars and other stuff aren't at all frosty, so at least I won't have to be scraping the windows before I go shopping

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  • DoctorStrangelove





    Chilly in here at 11 deg, 10 deg in the kitchen, 7 deg in the leanto.

    1017 mBar, 30.03 in Hg, 762.8 Torr, 14.75 psi, (down a tad from last night), 59% RH (Lidl electric).

    Meanwhile on the 27th of December 2019 NF went to M&S only to discover there were no reduced pigs in blankets, then came home after the trauma of the car parking arrangements to find the bulb had gone in the bedroom & he was covered in dust when he changed it (no bunnies were distressed in this activity), followed by an erudite discussion of the origin of the Americanism (or Septicism if you prefer), BR popped in, and LM cleared things up nicely, with Brillo waffling on about something or other.

    Sun is now wanly showing its presence. (That's now, not 2019, just to be clear).

    Sun went: rain came.

    Walk (unabbreviated) walked in the light rain & grey gloom.

    Lunch: brunch.

    Entertainment: the thing on R4 at noon: this week all about a London railway sign in Bangladeshi. <click>

    Freecell score: 91%, running average: 81%. That last game got me again.

    Tea: spag with stuff I concocted out of the cuupboard. Nice enough.

    Entertainment: PM <click>. Sounds like Vance went down like a lead balloon. . Yeeeefeckinghaw & all that. Time for the 5% of GDP on defence from the sounds of it.
    Last edited by DoctorStrangelove; Today, 17:47.

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  • ladymuck

    Morning all, local time 0845

    Blue sky, although my weather app says low visibility. Currently -1 ('feels like' -4) with a high of 6 expected. Barometer up to 1034 mBar.

    Sunrise 08:00; Sunset 18:10

    Yesterday we had a mooch around after a very delicious lunch. I follow a street artist called invader was here and they put up mosaics in the towns and cities they have 'invaded'. They have an app where fans can snap a photo of their art, it validates the image and awards points. Yesterday I earned 600 points by finding 9 out of 1500+ installations.

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  • NickFitz
    Tonight's viewing was the unmotorway police. I'll be running out of that shortly

    And then I finished reading The Forever War. Good book

    I need to go shopping tomorrow morning, though I haven't yet decided which Sainsbury's to go to

    Goodnight all

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  • xoggoth
    Came out on 30 January, though it's still called the March issue - number 34
    Last one I got is 342. Was no Viz on shelf last week either. No Viz! May give up on Sainsburies.

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  • DoctorStrangelove
    Originally posted by WTFH View Post

    The Wife has decided it is not the lurgy, but that I have developed “hay fever” for the first time in my life, her first guess is hazel pollen.
    Welcome to the club.

    Hazel and Alder in my case. Haven't had a sniffle so far this year though.

    The catkins aren't at their most fiendish yet.

    Or I'm now too old & fecked up to notice anymore.

    Long long ago it was confined to May & June & July, oh how I miss those years.

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  • WTFH
    Originally posted by WTFH View Post
    I think I'm getting a dose of the lurgy.
    The Wife has decided it is not the lurgy, but that I have developed “hay fever” for the first time in my life, her first guess is hazel pollen.

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  • NickFitz
    Originally posted by xoggoth View Post
    Grrrr, not sure if I moaned about it last week but shop took ages as Sainsburies have moved things around again. No Viz either, is it due yet Fizzy Knickers?
    Came out on 30 January, though it's still called the March issue - number 343

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  • NickFitz
    Tea: penne bol, just for a change from spaghetti

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