Chilly in here at 11 deg, 11 deg in the kitchen, 10 deg in the leanto.
1029.8mBar, 30.4099 in Hg, 772.4 Torr, 14.9359 psi, (down from 1030 last night), 73% RH (GDR hair), 68% RH (Lidl electric).
Meanwhile on the 2nd of May 2019 NF had a haircut in preparation for the Boring Conference, Millie had her photo taken at the poling station, and apparently compilations sometimes require the blessing of a sky fairy for completion.
WTF would one require more than 64 thingies to connect to the broadband thingie for? Just askin' like.
Is it this IOT stuff that seems so popular?
Since it's all produced by The Sirius Cybernetics Corporation* no good shall come of this.
*Chicom division: other equal opportunity dictatorial scum are available.
Walk (unabbreviated) walked in the grey gloom and incipient drizzle.
Actually had three conversations today during the above mentioned walk.
Lunch: scrambled egg and poached tomato on Morrisons soya & linseed toast, 2 x marmalade and 1 x bramble jelly on slices of toast, red unpippy corner yog, 0.91*1.55 pints of good Glengettie tea.
Entertainment: Y&Y waffling on about food prices, coeliac disease, allergies, heat pumps, lack of heat pump "engineers", Whizzair: the most hated airline in the country.
And another tower of books destined for the Oxfam bookshop is built: this one contains such items as "Numerical Recipes in Fortran" and "Applied Cryptography" etc. etc. none of which I'm ever likely to read, Numerical Reciipes has been here since the 80s, unopened.
Found a data book for "ICT Peel Products" being all about programmable logic devices from a long gone semiconductor company. I think that one is destine for paper rec along with some sky fairy bothering ones I found in the garage.
Tea: chicken in white sauce with rice n peas, some fruit cocktail, a yog, 0.91*1.56 pints of good Glengettie tea.
Entertainment: PM.
Wheeler Dealers S8 E10: 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air 4 door with dagmars and a fiery carb that caught fire on the way to the port in Septicland.
Said carb replaced with yet another fecking Holley 4 barrel. Bought: $6700, £4k, Total: £13k5, Sold: £16k.
No sign of setting fuel levels in the float chambers or any of the other things you have to do with that piece of tulipe. I thought the idea of blowing into the fuel filter using one's mouth was pretty fecking stupid considering how toxic TEL deposits are.
Taxed until Feb 2024, MOT free.
The colourfully clad one visits the Hornby museum in Liverpool. Amazingly enough they hadn't got around to stealing it yet.
. Now he's in Abergele & Pensarn visiting some castle or other. I think it's the castle they used for I'm a celeb during the plague.
Joy of Painting: the last of this series.
I shall miss Whispering Bob until he returns at some future time. The 
was strong in this one.
Who do you think you are? Lisa Hammond, whoever she is. Yesterday's great grandad was a conscientious objector in WWI and ended up in clink, today's grandad was a POW in WWII and spent years in a Nazi POW camp.
Mach a Seo: Ayrshire.
Chilly in here at 11 deg, 11 deg in the kitchen, 10 deg in the leanto.
1029.8mBar, 30.4099 in Hg, 772.4 Torr, 14.9359 psi, (down from 1030 last night), 73% RH (GDR hair), 68% RH (Lidl electric).
Meanwhile on the 2nd of May 2019 NF had a haircut in preparation for the Boring Conference, Millie had her photo taken at the poling station, and apparently compilations sometimes require the blessing of a sky fairy for completion.
WTF would one require more than 64 thingies to connect to the broadband thingie for? Just askin' like.

Is it this IOT stuff that seems so popular?
Since it's all produced by The Sirius Cybernetics Corporation* no good shall come of this.

*Chicom division: other equal opportunity dictatorial scum are available.
Walk (unabbreviated) walked in the grey gloom and incipient drizzle.
Actually had three conversations today during the above mentioned walk.

Lunch: scrambled egg and poached tomato on Morrisons soya & linseed toast, 2 x marmalade and 1 x bramble jelly on slices of toast, red unpippy corner yog, 0.91*1.55 pints of good Glengettie tea.
Entertainment: Y&Y waffling on about food prices, coeliac disease, allergies, heat pumps, lack of heat pump "engineers", Whizzair: the most hated airline in the country.
And another tower of books destined for the Oxfam bookshop is built: this one contains such items as "Numerical Recipes in Fortran" and "Applied Cryptography" etc. etc. none of which I'm ever likely to read, Numerical Reciipes has been here since the 80s, unopened.
Found a data book for "ICT Peel Products" being all about programmable logic devices from a long gone semiconductor company. I think that one is destine for paper rec along with some sky fairy bothering ones I found in the garage.
Tea: chicken in white sauce with rice n peas, some fruit cocktail, a yog, 0.91*1.56 pints of good Glengettie tea.
Entertainment: PM.
Wheeler Dealers S8 E10: 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air 4 door with dagmars and a fiery carb that caught fire on the way to the port in Septicland.

No sign of setting fuel levels in the float chambers or any of the other things you have to do with that piece of tulipe. I thought the idea of blowing into the fuel filter using one's mouth was pretty fecking stupid considering how toxic TEL deposits are.
Taxed until Feb 2024, MOT free.
The colourfully clad one visits the Hornby museum in Liverpool. Amazingly enough they hadn't got around to stealing it yet.

Joy of Painting: the last of this series.

Who do you think you are? Lisa Hammond, whoever she is. Yesterday's great grandad was a conscientious objector in WWI and ended up in clink, today's grandad was a POW in WWII and spent years in a Nazi POW camp.
Mach a Seo: Ayrshire.