Having knocked off, I went to turn the mattress, whereupon I was reminded of the crap under the bed - not stuff that's stored there or anything, just crap that's somehow worked its way under there over the years, which I've been too lazy to do anything about. So I set to work trying to sort it out and am now the proud owner of a bin bag containing things like old receipts (remember when Amazon used to put a receipt in with stuff?), empty envelopes, dusty cobwebs, and surprisingly few knotted-up crisp bags
To give you an idea of how long this crap has been accumulating, the oldest receipt I bothered checking was for a couple of Richard Feynman books I got from Borders in 2006
Outside the bin bags: various extremely dusty socks, mostly unpaired; and a shirt I don't even remember owning but which looks as if it might be quite OK really
To give you an idea of how long this crap has been accumulating, the oldest receipt I bothered checking was for a couple of Richard Feynman books I got from Borders in 2006
Outside the bin bags: various extremely dusty socks, mostly unpaired; and a shirt I don't even remember owning but which looks as if it might be quite OK really