Blue sky with white clouds.
Warmer at 19 deg in here.
1011 mBar, 29.85 in Hg, 64% RH.
Bird food purchased from Wilko.
Money got from ATM that looked like someone had upchucked over it.
Walk walked in the unbearable heat.
TV Times purchased from the Post Office.
Three wrecked walls inspected where the oik turned his car over last week.
Did a fine job of it.
I'm sure his insurance company will be pleased, assuming he has one, apparently these things are purely voluntary these days, along with MOTs & driving licenses.
Pair of jeans & pair of cords duly washed (20 minute at 40 deg C) and hanging on the line in the blazing sunshine, thusly explaining why I'm wearing the holiest & most religious of cords at the moment.
Lunch: Heinz leek & potato soup with some (slightly blue in places) Morrisons sunflower & pumpkin seed bread, bramble jelly sandwich on same, a red corner yog, 0.91 pints of good Glengettie tea.
Dunno WTF they're doing next door but it's fecking irritating the tulip out of me at the moment.
Obviously something on the party wall.
Some rough gardening done in the baking sun.
The new thinner cord works better in the strimmer, which is nice.
Entertainment: "Build my gallows high (1947)" with that Robert Mitchum and Kirk Douglas.
Which, it transpired, I'd seen before, proper noir with a downbeat ending.
Tea: Tesco breaded haddock, some tinned fruit cocktail, a yog (or two), and 0.91 pints of good Glengettie tea.
"Discovering Omar Sherriff" on Sky Arts.
"The Racket (1951)" with that Robert Mitchum and Robert Ryan.
"The Reunion at Fairborough (1985)" with that Robert Mitchum and Deborah Kerr.

Blue sky with white clouds.
Warmer at 19 deg in here.
1011 mBar, 29.85 in Hg, 64% RH.
Bird food purchased from Wilko.
Money got from ATM that looked like someone had upchucked over it.
Walk walked in the unbearable heat.
TV Times purchased from the Post Office.
Three wrecked walls inspected where the oik turned his car over last week.
Did a fine job of it.
I'm sure his insurance company will be pleased, assuming he has one, apparently these things are purely voluntary these days, along with MOTs & driving licenses.

Pair of jeans & pair of cords duly washed (20 minute at 40 deg C) and hanging on the line in the blazing sunshine, thusly explaining why I'm wearing the holiest & most religious of cords at the moment.
Lunch: Heinz leek & potato soup with some (slightly blue in places) Morrisons sunflower & pumpkin seed bread, bramble jelly sandwich on same, a red corner yog, 0.91 pints of good Glengettie tea.
Dunno WTF they're doing next door but it's fecking irritating the tulip out of me at the moment.

Obviously something on the party wall.

Some rough gardening done in the baking sun.
The new thinner cord works better in the strimmer, which is nice.
Entertainment: "Build my gallows high (1947)" with that Robert Mitchum and Kirk Douglas.
Which, it transpired, I'd seen before, proper noir with a downbeat ending.
Tea: Tesco breaded haddock, some tinned fruit cocktail, a yog (or two), and 0.91 pints of good Glengettie tea.
"Discovering Omar Sherriff" on Sky Arts.
"The Racket (1951)" with that Robert Mitchum and Robert Ryan.
"The Reunion at Fairborough (1985)" with that Robert Mitchum and Deborah Kerr.