The M&S breaded cod was very nice for a change. 

This evening's first feature is "The PhiladelphiaExperiment Story (1940)" with Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart, and Katharine Hepburn.
It's one of those quick talking 30s/40s comedies that make me wish I could come out with stuff like that.
Sadly enough, I seem to lack the script and the script writer.
The Philadelphia Story (1940) - IMDb
It's very good and many years since I last watched it.
Now watching "Rise of the Rockets" on PBS which is about the new breed of rockets including the SLS which is the Saturn V designed by a committee not including dear old Wernher.
They've taken 8 or more years to get essentially not very far.
Whereas von Braun went from the Redstone to the Saturn V in much the same sort of time.
Space Launch System - Wikipedia

This evening's first feature is "The Philadelphia
It's one of those quick talking 30s/40s comedies that make me wish I could come out with stuff like that.
Sadly enough, I seem to lack the script and the script writer.

The Philadelphia Story (1940) - IMDb
It's very good and many years since I last watched it.
Now watching "Rise of the Rockets" on PBS which is about the new breed of rockets including the SLS which is the Saturn V designed by a committee not including dear old Wernher.
They've taken 8 or more years to get essentially not very far.
Whereas von Braun went from the Redstone to the Saturn V in much the same sort of time.
Space Launch System - Wikipedia