Well there we are.
Visited the ZeitParents.
ZeitMater had gone to bed at 19:00 which made things a bit more pleasant.
Read the various prescribed chapters of the Good Book to ZeitPater & then came back & dug some more of my soon to be lawn.
Started at the other end or the square so eventually it'll meet in the middle.
Or at least that's the plan.
We shall see.
The birdies seem to be consuming the blackcurrants at a rate of knots.
They didn't seem so keen last year and it was a fine crop which all went to waste.
Visited the ZeitParents.
ZeitMater had gone to bed at 19:00 which made things a bit more pleasant.
Read the various prescribed chapters of the Good Book to ZeitPater & then came back & dug some more of my soon to be lawn.
Started at the other end or the square so eventually it'll meet in the middle.
Or at least that's the plan.
We shall see.
The birdies seem to be consuming the blackcurrants at a rate of knots.
They didn't seem so keen last year and it was a fine crop which all went to waste.