A rather amusing incident at the office just now I thought I would recount.
You know that people often bring in cakes, biscuits and things to go at the end of the desk for people to eat, well today was no exception, and there was a bowl of savory nibbles to feed on.
I took a bite, and it really didn't taste very nice. Oh well it must be some crappy health-food type thing.
The originating packet was there, so I read the label. Eucalyptus. Hmmm I guess that might have some health benefits.
Until I saw the picture of the horse on the packet
It turned out to be a new Ukrainian bird who has recently started at the company.
You know that people often bring in cakes, biscuits and things to go at the end of the desk for people to eat, well today was no exception, and there was a bowl of savory nibbles to feed on.
I took a bite, and it really didn't taste very nice. Oh well it must be some crappy health-food type thing.
The originating packet was there, so I read the label. Eucalyptus. Hmmm I guess that might have some health benefits.
Until I saw the picture of the horse on the packet
It turned out to be a new Ukrainian bird who has recently started at the company.